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DERMOC is an indigenous Ugandan company that provides Water Pumping, Irrigation and Agro technology, Solar Equipment, Backup Power Generators, Water Treatment & Purification Systems, Recreation Water Pools, IT & Telecom Power Systems, Automotive Management Services, and HSE Equipment solutions.

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DERMOC is an indigenous Ugandan company, established by a team of qualified and experienced engineers to enhance the provision of essential utility services in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The company focuses on the following economic sectors; Water Pumping Solutions, Irrigation and Agro technology, Solar Equipment, Backup Power Generators, Water Treatment & Purification Systems, Recreation Water Pools, IT & Telecom Power Systems, Automotive Management Services, and HSE Equipment, all sourced from reputable manufacturers around the globe.

Recognizing that the provision of appropriate water and energy supplies are essential for the region's economic and social development and attainment of the Global SDGs, DERMOC is committed to playing a major role in these critical sectors of the economy by offering a comprehensive and competitive product range with regional availability and unparalleled technical and service support.

DERMOC endeavors to provide these services in the most appropriate and sustainable way so that clients extract real “value for their money”. Our reputation is built on the basis of thorough needs assessment, site survey, design review, affordable financial offers and standard installation guides. Substantial resources have been invested in aspects of research and development, product and business development in order to meet the ever-growing demand from customers in the Industrial, Manufacturing, Municipal, Telecom and Agricultural sectors.

Conscience of the fact that timely delivery of services is key to our target sectors, DERMOC has established presence in Kampala, Mbarara, Kanungu, and Kasese in Uganda; whereas the neighboring regions are served through pre-arranged engagements.

We aspire to embolden “Superior Customer Service” across Africa.



Design and Supply Quality Solutions that are Customer-centric, environmentally friendly and Cost-effective; Maintain Equipment Lifespan through Timely and Consistent After-sales Support; Enable Clients to upgrade to better and advanced technologies through Research and Development, and Continuous Technical Capacity Building.


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Automotive Management
Energy and Power Systems
HSE Systems
Telecom Support
Water Pumping
Water Treatment
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